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Red Falcon Pros Signature Gutter System
Gutters are important for numerous things, but most importantly is protecting the foundation of your home.
Step 1: If the home has pre-existing gutters, we will start removing them when we arrive at the job-site.
Step 2: Inspecting for any hidden damage behind the pre-existing gutters is essential for mounting the new gutters properly.
Step 3: Our Red Falcon Pros signature gutter system will be hand-crafted and hand-made on every job site.
Step 4: The signature gutter system will be pitched to drain, which means the system will feature a flat-back gutter paired with a separate piece of flashing.
Step 5: A properly pitched gutter system uses a 1/6' of fall per 12' of run. This causes the gutters to drain more efficiently and helps it stay cleaner, longer.
Step 6: Tempered I-Beam hangers are
placed every two feet inside each gutter run to ensure rigidity and sturdiness. (Notice how they are in the photo.)
Step 7: A continuous gutter system will have seams. They occur at the end caps or the corners, which we seal to prevent any leakage.
Step 8: Our downspouts come in three different size options; 2x3, 3x4 and 4x5. Each downspout will be mounted in way that that prevents future cracks in the brick or mortar.
Step 9: When the work is complete we will walk the entire project with the homeowner to ensure satisfaction.